Reasons You Need Permitting, Inspection, Code Enforcement Software
The efficient management of building permits, inspections, and code enforcement is vital for governments and municipalities to ensure the safety of their citizens and comply with legal mandates. However, manual and paper-based processes can often result in delays, lack of transparency, revenue loss, and non-compliance issues. To overcome these challenges, investing in code enforcement software can bring significant benefits and streamline operations, reduce errors, increase transparency, and save time and money. In this context, this article will explore the advantages of investing in such software solutions and their importance in ensuring the safety and compliance of buildings.
Simplify Complex Regulations
Building and zoning codes contain hundreds of regulations regarding construction, renovation, occupancy, and safety standards. The software organizes all regulations in a simple, logical interface, ensuring nothing is overlooked during the permitting and inspection process. It automatically alerts inspectors to key regulations, guidelines, and requirements pertaining to any given property or project. Complex rules become easy to apply and enforce accurately.
Speed Issuance And Inspections
Application processing, plan review, and inspections that once took days or weeks can now happen within hours using streamlined digital processes. Queues and case management features keep everything and everyone on schedule and on top of the workload. Less waiting means more projects are permitted, inspected, and completed each day, resulting in increased construction and economic activity.
Increase Transparency
Built-in document management, reporting and dashboards provide instant access to application information, inspection results, enforcement actions, fees collected, and key metrics – for both administrative staff and government leadership. Better visibility into all areas of operations leads to more efficient management, accountability, and data-driven decision-making.
Ensure Consistency And Fairness
When information and processes become digital, variability and inconsistency creep out of the system. Standard templates, checklists, formulas, and guidelines are automatically applied for fair and just results – each and every time. Discretion is focused where most needed, and arbitrary or capricious judgment calls are minimized. Appeals become rare and staff feels confident in their decisions.
Improve Compliance And Enforcement
Enforcement activities like violations, fines, stop work orders, and liens can now be distributed, tracked, and collected digitally with the code enforcement software. Compliance requirements, status updates, deadlines, and penalties are automatically updated in the system and conveyed to contractors clearly in writing. When fees are not paid on time or violations are not corrected, the software takes follow-up actions, reducing work for the staff. Lack of compliance becomes less likely over time.
Increased Revenue Generation
By speeding application processing and inspection scheduling, more permits can be issued, and fees collected each year. Collection rates also improve with digital billing, payment processing, and compliance enforcement. Revenue shortfalls become a thing of the past.
Enhanced Disaster Recovery
All data, documents, communications, and activity records for permitting and inspection operations are automatically backed up and stored securely in the software. Work can continue seamlessly even if affected by events like floods, fires, or other local disasters. No manual records or files mean no loss of critical information.
Better Contractor And Citizen Engagement
Online permitting and inspection software enables self-service access, submission, payment, scheduling, status updates, and messaging. Applicants and contractors can manage everything in one place for a faster, simpler, and more consumer-friendly experience. Questions are answered quickly and documents are always available digitally. Transparency and trust in the system increase.